It’s been a couple of weeks since the MORE THAN GLASS exhibition went live on Cryptovoxels following a nail-biting auction on of our collective programmable work of the same name. The Async piece sold for a total of 27.1 Eth for all of the layers and the Master. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our collectors (Master @metapurse; Background @rohamg; One @basileus; Zero @NFTart; Circle @audsssy; Five @rohamg) for appreciating and investing in the work. It means the world to us.
We are also deeply indebted to Serena Tabacchi of MoCDA, who took time out of her insanely busy schedule to help us give an idea into our thought and creative processes around this epic piece. Here is the recording of that interview, capturing the anxious and exhilarating moments just before the auction took place.
More Than Glass is extremely rich in symbolism, texture and personal and collective meaning, and with its 47,880 combinations should give its owners something to ponder for quite a long time. We think the layer owners may even be collaborating to try out different compositions! We hope the video below will also help you explore and appreciate its depths.
Enjoy, and please visit the piece (best viewed flying!) and the associated exhibition at our HQ in Cryptovoxels.